Tatjana Christelbauer

Tatjana Christelbauer

President, founder, cultural cpromoter, art-scientist

Tatjana Christelbauer is a cosmopolitan performance artist who works at the interface of arts, sciences and international relations, in the global sustainable development process. Croatian born, Austrian resident, European spirit, world traveler, planetary thinker ... President and founder of the Austrian based international association ACD-.Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Tatjana is experienced in intercultural education, art-based research and education, gender&diversity, as an employed consultant and lecturer by the Lower Austrian Government for 27 years, by art institutions and civil society organisations. She received her MA degree in sociology (gender studies, international politics) with the thesis on narrative identity performance in the literary field and dance, at the Rosa Mayreder College Vienna in 2010. She graduated in Museum pedagogy (2018 KPH Krems) with a Thesis on Hundertwasser Art and ecological activism in the sustainability discourse. 2019 she completed her study in Public Relations and Media Management at the Vienna Academy of Economics (AMC), with thesis on Digital media use in education. In 2020, she has also completed Professional Diploma course on Corporate health with the thesis on Corporate health 2030 in kindergarten- mode and Academic certified courses in Training, Coaching, Fitness and Nutrition with training program "Dance ~ Well" and "KostbArt" - creations of healthy meals with blog series on sustainable food at the AMC Academy. Her artistic practice in dance arts is close to modern realism and her conceptual art_science projects are grounded in linguistics, identity politics and social ecology. She uses a fuzzy epistemological bond to explore the communicative acts and effects of prosodic on imagination, emotional state and response, all that to prevent, mitigate or even totally ban all forms of violence, starting with its verbal forms. Tatjana have completed Professional Intensive Programmes on Martha Graham Contemporary Dance School in NYC (2004-2012) and attended academic courses in fine arts, design, literary, linguistics at diverse universities in Vienna and NYC. Her art_science installations and performance lectures were held in a variety of venues, including the ETH University of Zürich (Art&Sci 2019 "Corpus Callosum2030), Venice art fair, BORDERS Festival (Fragmented identity, linguistic landscapes" 2020), Vienna Amerling Gallery (2002-2006 Coppélia's book, Calmant1&2, Moving letters ...), Vienna Institute Francais (CALMANT. Rosa … 2008) a.o. Tatjana´s work with multimedia fine art on interface with political science and social ecology enables a critical look at the intersectionality of categories (social), epistemologies (embodied knowledge) and practices (life arts acts), finding a link between the migration, disorder and art space as exile for reconstruction, deconstruction and renewal of the self in diverse contexts.